How To Know If You Are Living In Alignment With Your Purpose

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Have you ever been in that space (perhaps you are now) where you're cruisin' along in life? You have a great job, work with people you like, have a nice home, friends, a relationship, the occasional vacation... a life where everything is going along fine but you feel exhausted and discontent and for the life of you, you can't figure out why? Maybe you lay awake at night feeling like you should be happier than you are? 

Chances are high that you are out of alignment with some aspect of your life. 

We can go through experiences or there can be people or other things in our life that are very obvious to us that it's out of alignment with who we are or our needs but it's during the good times that it can feel a bit bewildering to feel off!

If there is an aspect of our life that is not in alignment with what we believe, our ethics, how we want to feel in any given situation, what is important to us, our self-care, and the core of who we are, it's going to be very difficult to feel at peace and happy within our lives.

So, if you feel as though you should be happy but are not, take a deep look at every part of your life, figure out where you are out of alignment so you can see how to bring that area of your life back into alignment.

Keep in mind, no matter how aligned you are in your life and to your purpose that does not mean life will not still throw the occasional curveball, difficult and stressful situation, and even heartbreaking loss. However, it will help place you in a position of support, personal strength, and resiliency to weather any storm.

Are you in Alignment with who you are, your purpose, and your beliefs?

Grab a drink or a snack, your journal, and cozy up somewhere comfortable and dive into each of the different areas of your life and take a deep and honest look at where you are in each. Journal about where you may be out of alignment and what you can do to bring that area back into alignment. Keep in mind these are merely suggestions to get your mind flowing in the right direction for you


Have you taken the time to consider your purpose? What do you know to be true for you in this lifetime? What are you here to accomplish? To educate people on a certain subject and bring awareness? To create content or products that help and add value to lives? To care for your family and loved ones? To shed light in areas of darkness? To be a support to others? To follow a spiritual path? To record current affairs so others who come after us understand who we are and learn from us? To explore what it means to be happy? To find the best coffee on earth? To travel the world simply for the pleasure it brings you? 

Spirituality & Belief: 

What do you believe? What do you believe in? Why is it important to you? Are you spending time nurturing this part of you? Are you praying? Are you meditating? Are you growing and strengthening your practice? Are you continually learning and deepening your understanding? Are you living by your spirituality and beliefs in every area of your life?

Career & Jobs:

Do you genuinely enjoy your job? Does it align with your ethics and beliefs? Are you being valued at what you are worth in the position? Is it satisfying? Do you feel you do it well? Are your skills being put to good use? Does it support you and your family if you have one? Do you respect your coworkers? Your Boss? The company itself? Does it require that you take risks on your health? If so, do you find the risk worthwhile to take? Is the job complementary to your purpose in life? Does the job allow you to have mental wellbeing, time for healthy relationships and friendships? 


Are you getting the proper amount of sleep? Are you filling your body with nutritious food? Are you limiting or deleting deteriorating food, drinks, and substances? Are you regularly moving your body? Are you drinking clean water? Are you getting sunlight? Are you addressing health issues? Are you taking supplements that would be beneficial to you? Are you educating yourself on healthful nutrition and wellness practices? Are you consistent in your health practices?


How is your mindset? What do you spend the most time thinking about? How do you speak to yourself? Do you have a monkey mind that can't settle down? Is something bothering you that a therapist or counselor can help with? What is your relationship with your own mind and emotions?


Do you have one? Do you want one? Is it healthy? Do you feel loved, respected, and emotionally supported? Do you feel safe? Are you spending enough quality time together? Do you spend time playing and finding new things to do together to keep it fresh? Do you feel heard? Do you feel understood? Is there an area of your relationship that needs attention? 


How are your relationships with your parents, siblings, children, and extended family?  What would you like these relationships to look like? Are you holding any resentments? Are you spending time with them? Do you need to spend less time? Are you controlling too much? Not enough? Are there any issues that need to be dealt with? Do you feel that you are being heard? Are you listening? Are there any festering wounds to work with? Are there situations that need to simply be accepted and then let go? 


Do you feel good around your friends? Do you leave their presence feeling diminished in any way? Do you leave their presence and feel joyful and uplifted? Is the friendship supportive and equal? Do you need to let any friendships go? Do you want to make new friends? Do you spend enough time with your friends? Do you need to express hurt or appreciation?


Are you taking good care of yourself? Are you seeing to your needs? Are you taking time away from family, friends, and work when needed to recharge? Do you feel fully present? Do you feel run down? Do you need to make time for yourself? Are you pursuing hobbies that you enjoy? Do you have a morning routine? An evening routine? So you set goals? Do you have a gratitude practice?

These are merely ideas in each category to help you get things flowing. Sometimes we just need a prompt in the right direction and to sit down uninterrupted and with focus. To give ourselves permission to delve into the depths of our own being, figure things out, and adjust course. As the saying goes, "you can't fill from an empty cup"! 

You need to take good care of yourself and be working from a full cup. Being in alignment with your purpose and every area of who you are gives you a strong foundation to fill that cup and hold it steady.

Work through the journal prompts at whatever pace is right for you. Journal on whatever each section brings up for you. There is no right or wrong answer. What's true for you is going to be unique to you and that is a beautiful thing!

xx Sarah


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