To the adventurers of the Hygge realm, the seekers of curated coziness, and the dreamers who revel in life's beauty, let your curiosity lead you through the charming aisles of my quaint sanctuary - the Reading Room.

Beauty Sarah Voiles Beauty Sarah Voiles

The Oil Cleansing Method.

The oil cleansing method caught my attention about ten years ago. I loved it the first time I tried it. My skin felt clean, pores were unclogging and tightening, and my skin felt so hydrated!

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Travel Sarah Voiles Travel Sarah Voiles

Camping at Cultus Lake | Oregon

Summer arrived late for me. June was a blur and didn't count in my book as I was fully engrossed in transitioning from my previous job and getting ready to leave Seattle, Wa and move to Bend, Or.  I'll write more about my move in an upcoming post, but right now I want to share with you my camping trip to Cultus Lake near Bend, Oregon.

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Self-Care Sarah Voiles Self-Care Sarah Voiles

How To Keep From Massively Burning Out At Life

Ever notice how when you start to get burnt-out, life starts to feel dim, fuzzy around the edges... like the photo above, you can make out the picture but there's no clarity to the image. 

That's how I began to feel about life. Dim, fuzzy, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't bring clarity to any area in my life and I felt miserable.

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Hygge Sarah Voiles Hygge Sarah Voiles

My Journey with Minimalism | Was it worth it?

Minimalism first caught my attention when I started hearing rumors of people who were getting rid of anything they couldn't fit in a carry-on suitcase or backpack. Other people were obsessed with numbers, allowing themselves 100 items or less. 

I was absolutely intrigued! I remember wondering who these people were and why in the world would they want so little? Aren't we supposed to have lots of wonderful things? Isn't that part of our measurement of success? Keeping up with the Joneses and all of that? 

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Self-Care Sarah Voiles Self-Care Sarah Voiles

Stressed? How To Deal With Unexpected Stress | And 5 Easy Self-Care Tips To Relax.

Stressed? Hang-ups, bang-ups, and hiccups happen. Rarely is everything in life going to go smoothly. I think most of us are aware of this and we adjust or side step just a little to accommodate. But then there are those times, and I know you know what I'm talking about, when life doesn't just hand you a lemon - it dumps a barrel of rotten lemons over your head.

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Self-Care, Hygge Sarah Voiles Self-Care, Hygge Sarah Voiles

For the Love of Hygge

Let me introduce you to a word that pretty much changed my life. I know that sounds "so" incredibly dramatic, but that's really how it feels. Hygge IS a word but more than a word, it's a way of life and something you feel.

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